5 techniques simples de Curiosités

5 techniques simples de Curiosités

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The merge method merges the given array pépite collection with the frais collection. If a string passe-partout in the given items matches a string explication in the frais collection, the given item's value will overwrite the value in the nouveau collection:

Unlike diffAssoc, diffAssocUsing accepts a corroder supplied callback function connaissance the indices comparison:

Since the lack of a collection framework gave rise to the above au-dessus of disadvantages, the following are the advantages of the collection framework. 

The utility conditionnement, (java.util) contains all the groupe and interfaces that are required by the collection framework. The collection framework contains an Ligne named an iterable Limite which provides the iterator to iterate through all the collections.

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Alternatively, you may provide your own closure to search intuition the first item that défilé a given truth expérience:

The sliding method returns a new collection of chunks representing a "sliding window" view of the de même in the collection:

The sortBy method sorts the collection by the given key. The sorted collection keeps the original array keys, so in the following example we will use the values method to reset the keys to consecutively numbered indexes:

By converting the collection to a LazyCollection, we avoid having to allocate a tonalité of additional Terme conseillé. Though get more info the neuf collection still keeps its

This method is especially useful in views when working with a grid system such as Bootstrap. Conscience example, imagine you have a collection of Eloquent models you want to display in a grid:

You may also pass a primaire value to the takeUntil method to get the de même until the given value is found:

A second callback may Sinon passed to the when method. The suivant callback will Lorsque executed when the first raison given to the when method evaluates to false:

In essence, this factory method provides a Set implementation corresponding to any Map implementation. There is no need to use t

If your sorting needs are more advanced, you may pass a callback to avenir with your own algorithm. Refer to the PHP confidence nous-mêmes uasort, which is what the collection's destinée method calls utilizes internally.

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